Our Mission

Equipping churches to train their people to win their communities.

Never stop taking the Gospel into the world to seek and to save those which are lost.

Envision churches worldwide, empowered by the Holy Spirit, equipping the Body of Christ to win their cities for Him!

Equipping local and international churches to train their people to win their communities through evangelism.


  • Build relationships with churches and pastors through various opportunities.
  • Teach and train local people in weekly sessions on evangelism.
  • Conduct short-term mission trips giving opportunity for others to exercise their evangelism skills and participate in the training of national pastors, and assisting in orphanage and school ministry.
  • Preach and teach locally and internationally, and conduct various crusades.

Core Values 

  • God made us one Body with many parts.
  • God works through churches and pastors and relationships with them.
  • Make use of the process of spiritual multiplication by training soul winners to be trainers of soul winners.
  • God called every believer to be a fisher of men.
  • We value people’s opinion, but the Word of God is inerrant and takes precedent.