International Ministries
Plans are underway for short-term trips to various nations:
Date Location Scheduled Est. Price
2025 (dates do not include travel to/from days)
February 17 – 21 Jacksonville, FL *locked* $250
June 16 – 20 Artashat, Armenia *locked* $4200
June 23 – 27 Alaverdi, Armenia *locked* $4200
July 28 – Aug 1 Guatemala City, Guatemala *locked* $2450
September 15 -19 Lira, Uganda *locked* $4250
2026 (dates do not include travel to/from days)
February 16 – 20 Jacksonville, FL *locked* $250
August Ivanovo, Russia *planning* $4350
September Nizhny Novgorod, Russia *planning* $4350
*PLEASE NOTE: trip dates, prices, and locations are well planned, but are subject to change.
Generally, trips focus on equipping indigenous pastors and lay leaders to teach their churches to do evangelism. Additionally, preaching, crusades, and ministry to children is included as allowed. The traveling team uses Evangelism Explosion as the equipping tool; therefore, typically those traveling need to be previously equipped. A detailed itinerary and estimated costs will be available as the event approaches.
Team building meetings are scheduled monthly (typically the second Friday of each month) and attendance is required.
Please contact Len a.s.a.p. to inform him of your desire to participate.
International Evangelism School
Jesus Christ commissions us to take the gospel message “to the ends of the earth”. This is not only a commission, but a requirement. Len Ministries takes groups of trained evangelism graduates to foreign nations, to train others on evangelism. The new students of evangelism are the international pastors and key lay leaders. Financial assistance is often provided for those pastors who lack adequate financial resources yet have a strong desire to be trained. The newly trained international evangelism graduates are then fully equipped to return to their homes, cities, and nations and effectively share the good news of Jesus Christ. Since 1991, Len Ministries has led these international training trips with life changing effects upon the trainers, students, and nations. Beginning in 2011 offsite training via Skype is offered.
International Social Relief Ministry
The International Social Relief Ministry is often conducted in conjunction with the International Personal Evangelism Training. Evangelism trainers, spouses, and family members may visit schools and orphanages…bringing gifts of toys, hygiene items, Bibles, and the love of God. This ministry offers a very practical expression of God’s love that transcends all national, cultural, and language barriers.
International Evangelistic Crusade Ministry
Len Ministries is not limited to one-on-one evangelistic training and ministry. International Evangelistic Crusades are regularly conducted during International Evangelism Training trips. Evangelism trainers join with the international pastors and lay leaders to great success. Opportunity is allowed for your specific ministry gifts during these mass evangelism ministries. Preaching the gospels of salvation to the unreached is the primary goal to this ministry, resulting in countless souls saved at every opportunity.